The Most Common Customer Service Complaints and Solutions

Mary Kharabet
Client Development Manager
People meet concerns everywhere: while reading yogurt ingredients section on its packing, trying on clothes in the fitting room, looking for a reliable tour agency to book a hotel, etc. So when it comes to the choice of outsourcing development company for creating the project which contains not only your heart and soul but also a huge sum, it looks like the most concern-filled part of business decisions ever. No matter what services you provide, there are always customers with appearing concerns or complaints. MPS sales managers and business analysts have a great experience in finding solutions to allay them and are ready to share their expertise below.
How to recognize the most common reasons for customer complaints
Working in the outsourcing development company for many years supposes client and sales managers face different customers’ problems or complaints. No matter they are reasonable or not, the professionals must analyze all the issues they see. This approach helps to recognize the most common reasons for clients’ complaints or concerns and handle them faster. To analyze the complaint which is mostly a result of undiscussed concern, every sales or client manager should have several questions to answer:
- Did we have such complaint before?
- Was the previous one recorded and how was it solved then?
- How often does it happen to face such issue?
- Has this customer ever applied with the same complaint?
- Is it based on unresolved concern or customer’s fear?
On the basis of the answers for these questions, you can prevent such complaint happen again, remake the solution prepared for the issue for better one, improve your workflow or allay the customer’s concern as soon as possible.
List of the most common customers’ concerns
A meaningful way to reduce numbers of complaints you get from your clients, you should discuss the working process in details to understand what concerns are set deep in your customer’s mind and ruin them by proposing efficient solutions.
Customer’s concern #1
The development team won’t like my idea.
There is no place for the development team preferences. Every project is taken with respect and curiosity and can be defined only from technical point as: can or can’t be delivered. Expert outsourcing company will supply your concept with new ideas based on the development team experience to make the product more attractive and appealing for the target audience.
Customer’s concern #2
I won’t be understood due to language barrier.
You will hardly find a Ukrainian citizen in IT sphere who doesn’t speak English or at least doesn’t understand English speech. Outsourcing software companies, especially in Ukraine, pay special attention to their employees learning English and improving it regularly. Most companies don’t employ a specialist without intermediate level language skills. As for Multi-Programming Solutions, our managers’ skills are at Upper-Intermediate and Advanced level of English. Also, there are regular lessons with a professional English teacher for all employees to improve fluent speech.
Customer’s concern #3
The company will steal my idea.
To make our clients feel free in sharing confidential information about the project, we sign NDA to guarantee the idea as well as any development performed during the working process will remain the property of the client.
Customer’s concern #4
The product will eventually cost more than it was said.
That’s really true for most products because clients often come with new ideas and additions during the development process, so that’s need extra time to analyze, and rebuild. Also, the development team could have improvement recommendations to make your product high-quality. However, if you have to stick to the particular budget, you should prepare as much detailed project description as possible and share all the information with the manager and the team before the project kicking off.
Customer’s concern #5
The product won’t be delivered in time.
Frankly speaking, the time of delivery depends on lots of factors. Even if the company takes into account all the possible risks(which come to our minds), there is no guarantee that some unpredictable issues will occur, especially when it comes to integrations with 3rd party services. We know that every client wants the product being launched as fast as possible or even faster. Think twice before asking the developers to finish work faster because such rushes can cause additional bugs and keep the team working in stress. More haste, less speed!
Customer’s concern #6
The development company will vanish.
It depends on the staff you chose: if it’s a freelancer from unknown workbase, so you’d better expect such behaviour. MPS is a legal entity registered and operating under the laws of the UK. We formalize our agreement with clients in a form of Master Service Agreement and additional Service Orders where we list our responsibilities in terms of delivery.
Customer’s concern #7
There is a lack of control.
By the way, this is one of the most frequent concerns for clients who want to hire an outsourcing companies for their projects. It’s pretty understandable: the firm can be located in a completely different time zone, it’s obviously hard to come to their office and ensure that they are working at that moment. However, there are lots of ways to control the work, so let’s see how it actually goes in Multi-Programming Solutions:
- Every project is led by definite manager who facilitate the whole working process.
- The client manager with whom you contact on the project discussion stage remains your “lawyer” and monitors the implementation of the project commitments.
- The client and the project manager reach an agreement on definite frequency of reports about project status and calls with the team. Usually it depends on client’s wish to be involved in the development process, the project scope, the clearness of project description, etc. In any case, your participation will only contribute to the project success.
- Time zone difference isn’t a problem in the modern world. We will definitely find convenient for both sides time to make at least an hour call for sharing progress status.
- We use the most proficient management tool Jira which enables you to see and check detailed information about any task as well as check our reports on time spent.
Customer’s concern #8
I’m not sure if they have enough expertise to deliver high-quality products.
Our reputation is our treasure. Having been working as an outsourcing development company since 2006, we established our own working strategies and became professional in such IT areas as e-commerce, casino gaming, custom solutions development. Our expertise is proven by our loyal and satisfied clients. You can see their honest feedback on the pages of Clutch and Upwork.

Final Words
Clients are always full of concerns related to hiring an outsourcing software development company and they are easy to understand. These are people who the client trusts his ideas, concepts and chips. We, at Multi-Programming Solutions, are ready to prove that there are still companies which are not only reliable and responsible but are really interested in your success. We hope to have an opportunity to allay your concerns and receive possible complaints with the desire to offer an appropriate resolution.
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