Most Common SEO Mistakes for E-commerce

SEO is still one of the most underestimated aspects of any website constructuring. Most businessmen pay more attention to the fact of how well the website was optimized for search engines, but ignore the SEO point. Therefore, you can find the same basic mistakes in site promotion in many sites.
It is worth understanding the reason of its importance at all. Optimization is a process during which a specialist customizes a website so that it is understandable to search engines. The search system processes all the content available to them and collect information about the subject, purpose and popularity of the website. If the internal optimization has not been performed, the robots simply can’t understand what the website is about and, accordingly, either don’t display it in the output, or display it, but not for appropriate keywords and phrases.
That’s why we picked out 12 most common SEO mistakes for E-commerce which interfere you seeing better dynamic in visitor statistics of your site.
1. Work on a platform you don’t have control of
Today website constructors are getting more popular among entrepreneurs. The advantage of creating a website without any code work is obvious. But with this choice, you lose a full control of your server so a way to get Google attention.
Omitting coding, you avoid really important files for search engines robots – Robots.txt, sitemap.xml, and CSS. To ensure Google bots see all your pages, Sitemap.xml lists all of them. Search bots will index your site according to direct instructions which are prepared in robots.txt. The site loading speed is crucial point for promotion and the CSS files weight defines it. All these files are in your server so don’t doubt in importance of having access to it.
2. Low loading speed
It’s a well-known fact that users don’t wait for loading the page more then 2-3 seconds and leave it. So optimization of the loading time is truly crucial for e-commerce business. There is a number of essential things you can make to reduce it:
- optimize image size
2000-pixel pictures look really great on your site but they have a huge resolution which influences the loading time a lot. There are a lot of editing and photoshop tools to reduce image size with a tiny damage of quality. Use them for both pictures and videos at all pages of your site.
Which image format should you use?
- make the code shorter
While writing the code, many developers like to comment their code lines to understand the whole process after break or before updating. But this code is more difficult to read for execution so it’s better to use Code Minifier tool.
- don’t use too many redirects;
When you click on the link, it starts loading and then redirected address starts loading too. It seriously causes low load time. Use an appropriate tool to find redirects and change it with right URLs.
- select appropriate hosting option
E-commerce store owners tend to shared hosting because it’s the cheapest one. That’s nice option for beginners but when you start getting more traffic, you will need to change or update it. Plan the hosting option in advance.
3. Ignore having responsive design
Google prefers websites which have mobile indexing first. If you still don’t have a mobile version of the site, it’s ranked low, because your competitors made it along with the desktop one.
5 Trends in E-commerce Website Design
4. Don’t search for keywords
5. Create site structure at random
You must already know about such thing as organic traffic. It is a number of users or visitors who come to your website for free. Site structure is the main point here because it defines its factor.
Often business owners build a basic e-commerce site with 5 pages, catalogue and that’s it. It doesn’t have clear navigation, structure and things which will make the visitor to stay.
Pay more attention to your site structure, its UX and internal linking. Look at it from the shopper view and think over logical navigation, links or discounts which will attract user’s attention.
6. Ignore content issues
Remember that your content should be unique, avoid duplication of it. Of course, there could be cases of similar product titles(blue jeans), in this case, set no-index control for Google not to block your site for plagiarism. Try to customize descriptions and headlines as much as you can. People like watching identity and uniqueness in the item.
7. Spamming
Spamming is a well-known promoting strategy which is really annoying and mostly useless. People don’t like seeing it and Google search engines will penalize you because of it. Don’t put your links everywhere and it won’t be judged like a spam. There are more working ways to share the links:
- Forums with some specific interests or goals which are related to yours;
- Ask other sites from similar area to share your links(guest posting);
- share your blog post links in social media and communities(Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn).
8. Delete unavailable product pages
Also 404 page doesn’t help you to attract users. This page is unavoidable because it appears not only after remoting the page but for various errors. Here it’s better to customize 404 page to keep visitors appealed to your site.
9. Ignore product reviews
10. Don’t have physical address in the contact field
11. Ignore Google Analytics
You can judge your SEO standards on your own or to take help from Google Analytics. When you don’t use it, you lose a meaningful resource with statistics according to success of your SEO strategy. Here you can check what works or not, and don’t spend much time for creating analysis. Set up Google Analytics and check out what SEO approach works best for your e-commerce business and see the alternatives which this tool suggests using in your site. Use Google Help if you don’t understand the statistics and how to use it.
12. Lack of security encryption
SSL certificate encryption and HTTPS are security measures so it’s crucial to adopt it for your e-commerce site. The certificate will show the users that their personal information is safe, and Google gives priorities to the sites with it.
Why is it Essential for Companies to Keep Evolving?
It’s not enough to have a high quality product with attractive pictures and affordable price if users and Google don’t think so. Pay attention to these mistakes and correct them as soon as possible. We hope that you are aware of importance of SEO an site optimization and do your best to be engaging and highly ranked. Use the tools we highlighted to analyze your SEO success and improve it. Multi-Programming Solutions is full of experienced developers who can make a unique e-commerce solution for your business and recommend a working SEO strategy for it. Contact us to get a free estimation!
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