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Top 10 Key Reasons to Outsource eLearning Content
Every self-respecting business owner, at some point, thinks of improving employees' knowledge, mastery, and confidence. They may already succeed in creating an eLearning platform for corporate training. However, it still needs constant updating to keep the staff up with time and deliver the most relevant data. While developing online lessons is a lengthy process requiring experience and tech power, distributing tasks can become the only solution for companies searching for quick and efficient results.
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How to Prepare for the Brief with Your Software Development Team
Progress keeps on making huge leaps towards practically non-stop nowadays. A mobile phone has long turned from regular communication means to an efficient work tool. For one thing, business management in companies now actively employs various software tools to promote the brand. But where does it all start? You have been brainstorming with colleagues, coming up with how everything should look in the long run and what you will get out of it all.
Definition of Customer Support: What KPIs You Should Be Tracking for Success?
A well-developed client-base is fundamental to the ultimate success of any business. Retaining and boosting the loyalty of company partners is a major task for top managers to handle. Thus, your customer support representatives should focus on understanding the main questions and needs of everyone working with your company. A partner should never be left one on one with something they’re having a hard time with.
Directory Websites is One of The Best Ways to Make Money Online
Everybody realizes how powerful web promotion is nowadays when it comes to popularizing one’s products or services. There are many tools and methods in this aspect, but directory websites play a special role here. They gather top provider names in one place for interested users (potential clients) to search through by either keyword requests or certain parameters (such as location, type of service, company rating, etc.).
What’s the Difference Between PWA & SPA
Among many advanced tools and methods Modern web development industry has introduced, two principally different types of digital solutions – Progressive Web Applications (PWA) and Single-Page Applications (SPA). Developers all over the world tend to choose between PWA and SPA, with both options being simple to build, fairly easy to promote in search engines, and featuring some far-seeing user capabilities.
SEO & PWA: How to Optimize Progressive Web Apps for Search
Imagine your site interacting with a user as an application. That is, the user can install it on any gadget, receive notifications and work with it (even without an Internet connection). It allows users to use the latest features supported by modern browsers on a website adapted for mobile devices, creating the illusion of using a mobile application. It may sound like a wonder, but that product became popular and widely-used as soon as it entered app development markets – PWA. Such type of the app is quickly emerging but there is a problem which makes many developers refuse providing PWA services and customers refuse upgrading their sites or stores to PWAs – SEO optimization. Today we are going to convince them in SEO friendliness of PWAs.
Traditional Front Technologies HTML & CSS vs Angular
Web development standards are constantly growing along with the complexity of modern technology. Front-end world surprises us with plenty of frameworks and languages to build an interface on the site. The range is too large, and it became quite problematic to select the suitable technologies for interface building. Like many other developers, your eyes can catch the popular, proven and reliable Bootstrap and Foundation frameworks. However, new, but not so well-known frameworks and languages can be much more suitable for your needs. Today we are going to open the door of front-end technologies wider [...]
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