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What Is the Difference Between a Mobile App and a Web App?
The year 2020 draws closer and closer whereas the “mobile or web app” dilemma remains as relevant as it is. Both options are highly popular among users – each has its benefits and drawbacks.
What’s the Difference Between PWA & SPA
Among many advanced tools and methods Modern web development industry has introduced, two principally different types of digital solutions – Progressive Web Applications (PWA) and Single-Page Applications (SPA). Developers all over the world tend to choose between PWA and SPA, with both options being simple to build, fairly easy to promote in search engines, and featuring some far-seeing user capabilities.
SEO & PWA: How to Optimize Progressive Web Apps for Search
Imagine your site interacting with a user as an application. That is, the user can install it on any gadget, receive notifications and work with it (even without an Internet connection). It allows users to use the latest features supported by modern browsers on a website adapted for mobile devices, creating the illusion of using a mobile application. It may sound like a wonder, but that product became popular and widely-used as soon as it entered app development markets – PWA. Such type of the app is quickly emerging but there is a problem which makes many developers refuse providing PWA services and customers refuse upgrading their sites or stores to PWAs – SEO optimization. Today we are going to convince them in SEO friendliness of PWAs.
Examples of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in 2022
Progressive web applications are a product of the joint evolution of the mobile site and the native application. Many famous companies and enterprises choose a new trend to engage more users and compete the app market. Simply put, a hybrid that has absorbed the very best from its predecessors.
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